NewsTaco To Go: Egypt, Health Care, Taxes, Guns and Bath Salts

A little bit of everything in your NewsTaco to go this morning!

Egypt, Egypt, Egypt! Everyone is talking about Egypt, the country’s leader recently announced a new government in response to massive protests. Egypt is one of the U.S.’s key allies in the Middle East.

A Florida judge is set to complicate health care reform law by becoming the second federal judge to declare the new health care law unconstitutional in response to a lawsuit filed by lawmakers in 26 states.

About half of all taxpayers don’t actually pay taxes every year because of deductions, meaning the government loses a lot of money every year.

Bath salts may be banned nationwide after U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer, D-NY, proposed a bill to ban them. Even though they’re supposed to be used for relaxing and perfumed baths, people have been snorting, injecting and smoking them for a meth-like high.

Prevention of gun trafficking to Mexico may fall victim to budget cuts this year, according to one report, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is worried their efforts at the border would be “effectively eliminated.”

[Image By Reccardow]

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