Jan Brewer “Dismissive” Of Russell Pearce Campaign

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco

File this where you will, but it’s got to be a sign of something larger than the headline. A friend I talked to today said it was a sign of implosion…

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer was what the Huffington Post reported as “dismissive”  when asked if she would endorse Russell Pearce’s bid for reelection. Pearce is the author of the controversial SB10070 legislation whop was later recalled by popular voter uprising. This year he decided to re-enter the political arena and make a run for re-election. Brewer’s answer: “I’m not inclined to.”

Ouch. There’s apparent trouble in the Arizona sunlit paradise.

Hufington Post picks up the story:

 The two were formerly allies in the fight over Arizona’s immigration law, which passed in 2010 when he was president of the state senate. Brewer’s support was boosted in the immediate aftermath of the law, despite national controversy, but it ended up having negative consequences for Pearce, who was recalled in November 2011. He has also been plagued by questions about ethics violations and, more recently, allegations that the motivations behind S.B. 1070 were racist.

So there’s either one of two conclusions to be made, or both.  Either the Pearce’s re-election campaign is dead in the water and Brewer doesn’t want her name associated with a losing candidate; or there’s a schism in the pro SB1070 apolitical structure.

Then again, there’s always the possibility that we’re reading too much into this…

[Photo by DonkeyHotey]

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