Recently Graduated? Registration Required


(NAPSA)—Soon after graduation, young men who are 18 may find they need more than a diploma to get a job or enter a training program. Often, they find that they also have to produce proof that they have registered with the Selective Service System. Young men are required by law to register during the period of time beginning 30 days before their 18th birthday until 30 days after their birthday—regardless of where they live. Those who fail to register face the possibility of fines or prison or both. Plus, they will find that they must register to receive state or federal aid for higher education and be eligible for a federal job or a job-training program. Male noncitizens living in the U.S. must register to remain eligible for citizenship. Plus, some states demand proof of registration in order to receive a driver’s license. Fortunately, registration keeps getting easier and more convenient. It’s now possible to register online, at a post office, by mail or when applying for federal student aid. To learn more, visit

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