Dear Rush: Most Latinos Don’t Like “Feliz Navidad” Song

By Latino Rebels

At Least Insult Us with a Better Song

Yeah, we know Rush Limbaugh will never get it, so what is the point of even giving him attention?

But as he mourns the Mitt Romney loss and cannot accept the fact that the U.S. Latino vote basically played a huge role in what is now a decisive victory for President Obama, Limbaugh just better be careful. Playing “Feliz Navidad” as his peace offerings to Latinos? Beyond insensitive. You would think Limbaugh would at least choose a better song. “Feliz Navidad” sucks.

Here is the audio clip of what Rush was saying. He whips out the song at the end.

this article was first published in Latino Rebels.

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[Photo by DonkeyHotey]

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