You can go home now… (a take on the GOP debates)

*What did you think? It was a good warm-up to the next debate … VL

By Tomas Ricardo, Friend of NewsTaco

Rand Paul, whose name sake, Ayn, would be demanding that you change your name if she were alive, so disappearing you were.  I never got the impression that you really want to be President, preferring to be an iconoclast, removed from the madding crowd.

Why is Ben Carson running?

The Donald has peaked.  His entertainment value is now reduced to watching the other candidates make nice to him (“he’s touched an exposed nerve in the American electorate…”) primarily to keep him from bolting, but also hoping (they do spring eternal) to secure his support as the field narrows to the Final Four.

It’s time for Christie to go.  He’s a bully, a ruffian, and tends to escalate a tense situation into fisticuffs.  He does have a lot of weight to throw around, but that’s hardly Presidential material.

The Big Winner is

Your team from the fair and balanced network.  They were prepared, aggressive, stayed on message, in control and made Mr. Ailes a very proud Papa.  And a ton of money.

Moving to the Elite Eight

Sorry, couldn’t get there.  We’ll have to do with the Super Seven.

  1. Vacant, allowing the winner from the Losers” Bracket to advance.
  2. Ted Cruz seems to have huffed and puffed on his loquaciousness to such an extent that he resembles more a bag of hot air that a skilled debater…and who can miss the charm?
  3. Scott Walker neither impressed nor dropped a bomb on himself. He hangs on in the Super Seven based on his resume, which will now be examined. What, no college degree?
  4. Huckabee is funny, except when he’s not. He’s kinda like the Cinderella team that plays under the radar and surprises pundits when he’s still around after the elimination round.

Favorites to advance to Final Four

  1. Carly Fiorina vaulted all the way Tier I status by winning the undercard with a most impressive TKO in the ‘win-in’ game…win the match, and you’re in with the insiders. Wow.  Imagine her as a VP material if she falls short of the nomination.  Uy Cucuy.
  2. John Kasich did to the Big Boys in prime time what Carly did to the undercard in the afternoon warmup. Watch the poll numbers go up and big money roll in. He”s in for the long haul.

2 & 2  Tied for second are those fun-loving boys from the Sunshine State, Marco and Jeb.  There is no number one as no one has separated from the field.  Marco was the most photogenic, and unlike The Glasses guys from Texas, Jeb’s spectacles actually give him a sense of gravitas.

Used to be I could not wait until September for football; now it’s the second debate.  Fun.

[Photo by DonkeyHotey/Flickr]
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