How Bernie Sanders Is Planning to Win Over Latino Voters

*What do you guys think about Bernie? He has little or no name recognition among Latino voters. But his campaign is intent on changing that. VL

policy-micBy Gregory Krieg, Policy.Mic

As their candidate continues to climb in the polls and cut into Hillary Clinton’s fundraising advantage, the team behind Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) insurgent primary run has begun the more nuanced work of plotting a path to the Democratic nomination.

Perhaps more so than any other primary candidate in either party, Sanders is free to introduce himself on his own terms to the fast-growing and increasingly powerful Latino electorate, which has seen its influence grow from more traditional enclaves in Nevada and California to new frontiers in Iowa and Virginia, according to the campaign’s new director of Latino outreach, Arturo Carmona.

Though the initiative is new, the strategy is familiar. As Carmona told Mic on Tuesday, the effort will go “bottom up” with state and regional programs recruiting volunteer leaders and tapping into the power of social media to spread the word. The campaign believes, he said, that once Sanders’ full economic message penetrates these constituencies, “people are not only embracing his agenda but they’re getting activated in a very important way.”

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[Photo by Phil Roeder/Flickr]
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