Carlie Rose: The Real Latino Narrative

*This isn’t really about Charlie Rose as much as it is about his audience, and his guests. Sol Trijillo, Aida Alvarez and Henrry Cisneros sit on the board of The Latino Donor Collaborative, a non-profit organization that aims to change the Latino narrative, to “provide an accurate portrayal of Latinos and the important contributions they make in our society.” In this particular instance they shatter widely held myths about Latinos that are prevalent in U.S. society, and they share the truth with the group that need to hear it most, non-Latinos. It’s worth a view and a share. VL

Bloomberg-Business-LogoBy Bloomberg Business

On “Charlie Rose,” a conversation about the Latino Donor Collaborative. It is a non-profit that is striving to provide an accurate portrayal of Latinos and the important contributions they make in our society.

Click HERE to read more.

[Photo courtesy of]

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