Latino voters never seem to realize our power. This year could be different

*’Ya think? What’s different about this year? Trump? Is that enough? VL

the+guardianBy John Paul Brammer, The Gaurdian (4 minute read)

Every election cycle, Latinos don’t quite match their voting potential. But every cycle, it should also be said, we come closer.

It’s been a long process to merge the gap between potential and reality because to be Latino in America is paradoxical. We are frequently told how powerful we are, how desperately politicians need us if they are to win, and how quickly our ranks are growing.

But our lived reality tells a different story. It remains politically expedient to scapegoat our communities. Hatred of immigrants from south of the border provided the bedrock for the Trump campaign, but long before him, there was Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Steve King, Lou Dobbs – the list goes on.

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To be sure, there is a vigorous, politically engaged sector of our community. But there is also a pervasive sense of helplessness, of lethargy – there are so many of us, but so little is changing. READ MORE 

[Photo courtesy of West Side Republicans]

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