A kind of Ebola that spreads like the Flu

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco

I got a flu shot this week, the one that’s supposed to engage a body’s defenses against four strains of the disease. I recommend that all of you get one as well.

Chances are greater that you’ll contract the flu than Ebola. Scientists and doctors agree on this.

There’s another kind of Ebola, though, that’s begun to spread in the U.S.: Ebola hysteria. This kind of Ebola is running rampant and spreads through media, politicians and word of mouth. It attacks unquestioning minds and festers among other virulent ideas like the denial of climate change, and denial of evolution.

Some members of congress have managed to cross-breed Ebola hysteria with undocumented immigrant hysteria, saying they want to close the border because the undocumented are Ebola carriers. Others caught in the Ebola hysteria are suggesting that President Obama is purposely letting Ebola spread in order to cancel the 2016 election.

This disease viciously attacks science, reason and logic.

This is the Ebola we should fear, along with the flu. And this is how to fight it: spread truth.

The truth is that health officials are using a thing called contact tracing. The way this works, if you haven’t been contacted by a health official saying you might have Ebola, you don’t have it. It’s that simple.

As for the flu. Get the shot.

[Photo courtesy of CDC]

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