Guapura 101: Looking Younger With Vitamin E

Ok, look, I know I’m not “old old” but that doesn’t mean that I’m not starting to notice all my creeping creases around my face.

But never fear!

I have found a cheap and effective way to stave off some of that oldness!  I have, in the past, bought that fancy under eye cream that’s supposed to make you look younger and what not, but when I ran out of time to shop and money for that matter, I turned to something I already had at my disposal:  Vitamin E.

I take the capsules that I buy as part of my vitamin regimen and break them into a small container and every night I place a small amount of oil under my eyes.  I’ve been pretty impressed by the results, which have been better than any cream I’ve ever purchased.

But when you buy your Vitamin E, it’s important to buy the “d” Vitamin E, not dl. Or as it appears on the label, “Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl acetate).”  Because, according to the federal government:

A given amount of synthetic alpha-tocopherol (listed on labels as ‘DL’ or ‘dl’) is therefore only half as active as the same amount (by weight in mg) of the natural form (labeled as ‘D’or ‘d’).

My mom helps me remember this by “D for deveras.”  Happy to help!  Let me know if this works as well for you as it does for me!

[Photo By lifesupercharger]

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