Guapura 101: Too Much Makeup Makes You Look Old

So check it out, I rarely wear makeup. When I used to be an office professional, I would wear makeup on my eyes daily, partly because I wanted to look older when I was fresh out of college and no one was taking me seriously. But, now that my gray hair confuses people about my age anyway, I figure there’s no reason to rush time.

Then I came across some information that notes that wearing too much makeup can make you look older. Which is to say, if you overdo your foundation, your eye makeup, rouge, etc., you may achieve the exact opposite effect of what you were trying to do. For example, if you use too much foundation, it may just end up filling in your wrinkles — especially with the sweat, oil and humidity that happens in real life — thus emphasizing your age, as opposed to hiding it.

I know I’ve personally seen older women wear heavy eyeliner that ends up settling into the creases of their eyes, making them not only look kinda funny, but it makes me wonder whether they even notice that they’re shooting themselves in the foot when they apply their makeup.

I always figured that the whole idea behind makeup — for everyday use anyway — is to enhance what you look like already, not make it obvious that you painted your face in order to face the public. Besides, when you think about amazingly beautiful starlets, none of them are wearing totally overdone makeup. They’re wearing just enough to enhance what they look like already.

Plus, you gotta figure that keeping a bunch of junk chemicals in makeup off your face will, in and of itself,  help you look younger.

Follow Sara Inés Calderón on Twitter @SaraChicaD

[Photo By ookikioo]

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