67% Of Hate Crimes Targeted At Latinos In 2010

The FBI released its annual data for hate crimes this week, uncovering a startling revelation in light of all the anti-immigrant legislation currently active in the country: 66.6% of all hate crimes in 2010 were committed because of “anti-Hispanic bias.” The Huffington Post reported:

Although ethnically motivated hate crimes have fallen in general from their peak in 2007, the percentage of such crimes committed against Latinos in 2010 has risen, according to the new report. In total there were 747 victims of “anti-Hispanic” ethnically motivated incidents. In 2003, in contrast, 44.9% of crimes based on ethnic bias or country of origin were committed against Latinos, with 595 victims. Racial groups, including African-Americans, are not included in ethnic/nationality group categorization in the FBI’s report.

We’ve written about this before on NewsTaco. Previous to 2010, 62% of hate crimes were directed at Latinos and in California last year hate crimes against Latinos were on the rise — increasing 47% from 2009 to 2010. Anti-Latino crimes are also on the rise in Washington, D.C. and it turns out that a big chunk of anti-LGBT crimes are aso committed against Latinos.

[Photo By Self-portrait Girl]


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