Author Isabel Allende, pioneering Latino Congressman Edward Roybal to receive Medal of Freedom

*The ceremony will be November 24, at the White House. VL

By Fox News Latino

Former Rep. Edward Roybal of California, who co-founded the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, is among the latest Americans tapped to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, President Barack Obama announced Tuesday.

“The late Congressman Edward Roybal is among our most beloved Mexican-American heroes,” current Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chairman Rubén Hinojosa  said in a statement.

“He was a relentless civil rights advocate whose work continues to make a difference in the lives of many Latinos and people of color today.  Enough cannot be said about the contributions the late Congressman made – from his work at the local level in Los Angeles to his time on the House Appropriations Committee where he championed federal funding for the most underserved communities.”

Click HERE to read the full story.

[Photo  courtesy of the U.S. House of Representatives Photography Office]

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